World Environment Day (WED) that will be observed around the globe on June 5th, 2017 was commemorated by Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) through an Awarding Ceremony on the theme of  “Connecting People to Nature” on 17th of May 2017 at the Ismaili Centre, Dubai.

The event was planned to keep within the vision of the United Nations that  mentioned, “the theme for World Environment Day 2017 that implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to take forward the call to protect the Earth that we share.”

Explaining the relevance of the theme well known environmentalist Mrs. Habiba Al Marashi, Chairperson of Emirates Environmental Group, said EEG has a programme for tree planting in schools around the Emirate which connects young people to nature and instills empathy and affection for  the environment and Mother Earth from an early age. EEG promotes the UAE Vision 2021’s mandate of  building a well preserved natural environment as well enhancing  United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal  No 12 on 'Responsible  Consumption and Production' so the UAE substantially reduces waste generation by 2030 through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

Accordingly EEG makes great efforts in curbing environmental degradation through waste, littering and wasteful consumption. At  this  annual celebration of World Environment Day, she said, “Our focus is on providing an alternate to land-filling household waste. For two long decades we have waged our war on household waste, expanding our outreach to hundreds of committed individuals and organisations. The outcomes of our waste management programmes are indeed very powerful and long lasting.  Since 1991 EEG has created several programmes that look diligently into the needs of the public to do something meaningful with their household waste. Going beyond just offering opportunities to recycle wastes EEG has developed educational and awareness programmes, resourcing materials in public events, aiming to inculcate a deep rooted habit of environmental responsibility and pro-action.”

The strong impact of these programmes directed at the grass-root level, create awareness and commitment about the environmental responsibility of individuals and institutions.

In 2016, the cumulative tally of waste collected through the EEG’s seven recycling campaigns for paper, cans, glass, plastic, toners, batteries and mobiles stood at an impressive 1,470,967 Kg. When translated into long term impact, it shows that these programmes have resulted in the saving of 5736.8 MTCO2E of carbon dioxide emissions, 40908.02 Billion BTU of Energy, 8244.7 m3 of landfill space and 57,674 gallons of gasoline. The paper campaign helped to save 35,837 trees from being cut down to make paper.

Statistics of the campaign’s are: Paper 1,341,000 Kg, Cans – 27,300 Kg, Plastic – 78,000 Kg, Glass – 10,900 Kg, Toner cartridges – 6,700 pieces, Battery – 1,500 Kg and Mobile phones – 15,800 pieces.

Further a unique project that combines the recycling campaign with a tree planting project where successful collectors get the opportunity to plant trees in their names at strategic location as a reward for their effort was established.

In 2016, 462 trees were planted through the participation of 12 schools, 24 companies and 126 individuals. Since the inception of this rallying project the total of trees planted stands at 2,094,870 and hundreds of participants have been successfully mobilized.  Mrs. Al Marashi pointed out, “Such incentives are very crucial for the success of community programmes and go a long way in driving performance among the participants of the campaigns.”

On this 'World Environment day'  winners of seven campaigns divided into three categories, - corporations, academic institutions and individuals/families were announced when more than 350 individuals participated at the Ismaili Centre, Dubai.

President Amiruddin Thanawala, President of the Ismaili Community in the UAE said : "We are particularly pleased to be able to host this event at the Ismaili Centre here in Dubai and take the opportunity to congratulate  the Chairperson of the Emirates Environmental Group - Habiba Al Mar’ashi with whom we have had a long standing acquaintance through the recycling campaign and Clean Up UAE Campaign with the Aga Khan Scouts and Guides for her zeal and passion in protecting our environment.

The underlying ethos of many of the initiatives of the Emirates Environmental Group resonate strongly with activities with which  the Ismaili Community and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) who are deeply involved in areas of Civil Society, Sustainability and Education."

The President ended his address by congratulating each participant in their representation to enhance  EEG's  numerous initiatives and wishes everyone a better tomorrow in a protected environment.

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